Thursday, March 22, 2007


“The machine of the world is exceedingly complex for the soul of a man.” This is one of the best quotes I’ve ever heard. The world that we live in is one giant machine with countless parts, each moving day after day, doing its part to make the machine turn. The soul of a man is far too deep to really understand or fit in this machine of a world, this scratching-the-surface of an existence. The meaningless and emotionless. I’ll take my hurt, my pain, my compassion. Should I live a life where this is all I know, what kind of life will it be? One without happiness? Without love? Without contentment? A life of fulfillment? Will I spend my days seeking joy in the little and unexpected things? Seeing children running, enjoying life for what it is. Their unrelenting energy and emotion; without the worries and stresses of what life can bring. The exhaustion that accompanies hours of basketball with friends. The soreness and pain that results from a great workout. The stillness of a cool night in March, staring up into the infinite sky, detached from the machine, lost in the beauty that God created, admiring, relishing. The constant beating of rain on a roof. Arms stretched, soaking wet, taking in the wonders of this place. Sitting on a swing, miles from the ordinary. The wind rustling leaves as it passes through branches. The moon reflecting like diamonds on the water. Can I climb from the darkness with God’s help, stronger and more prepared for life and its uncertainties? The world is fallen. Can I accept this and find the beauty that still exists? It’s how you react to the machine that makes you who you are. Live life. Love God. Love others. Cling to what is good. Forgive…yourself and others. Open up and risk your heart. Find the joys of your existence; the sixes and sevens and maybe, on occasion, a ten will present itself. The happiness you have, no matter how long, is worth fighting through the dark days for. This is life. The good and the bad. But always remember: God is there, walking beside you, all around you. He created you just the way you are. And he won’t give you more than you can handle. So don’t give up. Tomorrow is a new day. Live it. Love it. Find your joy even if it is in the smallest of things. And smile…God loves you.