Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Looking over his shoulder, he could still see the faint light in the distance. He was lost now, but he couldn't bring himself to return to the light where he was safest. The wind picked up and his strength started to give. He was exhausted. Each gust took a piece of him with it, leaving him empty. With each step his body ached until he fell to his knees. A fleeting thought. To give up. To welcome death. He was broken and alone. Tears fell down his face as he cried out in pain. He closed his eyes and visions of the past shot through his mind. Visions of two conflicting worlds. One stained with blood and hate and the other with love. The visions stopped and he knew what he must do, but he didn't have the strength to get back. When he opened his eyes, they burned. The light was there, so close, waiting for him to return, giving him hope.


I come to You
The step is hard to take
The step into Your presence
Please, wrap Your arms around me
Let me feel Your love
And know there's no better place to be

Who am I?

If I walk alone, where will I end up?
If I rely on my own strength, how far will it get me?
If I try to control, how quickly will I lose it?
If I remain in the dark, how will I see light?
If I struggle alone, when will it break me?
Who am I to not forgive others when what they do to me pales in comparison to the things I do against God’s will and yet I am forgiven?
Who am I without God?

Monday, May 26, 2008


In the calm of the night
the tears fill my eyes
My breathing is quick
Almost painful
I feel like
Like I'm losing control
Alone and confused
Tired and hurt

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Whisper

I hear it
A whisper
Telling me to stop
To be still and listen
For what

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Prayer

Give me strength
Now as much as ever
I can't do it on my own
I need your guidance
Show me the path
And I will walk it

Thank you father, amen

Monday, May 19, 2008

With Faith

How long can I wait
As long as it takes
But this moment in time
I give you my life
Continue to shape
and show me your ways
And in the midst of that
the joy
the hope
the love
I will continue to wait
with faith


Tonight I question
Where am I
My place in life
I don’t speak
I listen

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's Gone

Near his heart it stayed
Of such a gift
He couldn’t dream
An intake of breath
It’s gone
And greatly missed

Friday, May 16, 2008

Where I am

For a voice
A whisper
A breath

Monday, May 12, 2008


A friend challenged me to write about things in my life that I’m thankful for so here it goes.

I’m thankful for every breath God gives me. For every beat of my new heart and every beat of my old one. I’m thankful for the home I have and the bed I get to wake up in each morning. I’m thankful for the food I have and the clothes on my back. I’m thankful that I can sit on my deck at night and stare into a star-filled sky. I’m thankful for loving parents that are always there for me when times are tough. I’m thankful for the friendships I now have with my brothers when we hated each other for so long. I’m thankful for my friends and the encouragement they give. I’m thankful for my thoughts and the talents that I have. That I can use my hands to create or to play sports. I’m thankful for my new life and for what my old one taught me. I’m thankful that I can read and write. I’m thankful for a God who loves me more than I can fathom, in spite of all the wrong things I’ve done and the fact that I turned my back on Him so many times. I’m thankful that He is the reason behind all the things I wrote about. He sustains me. He gives me life. He is my light when I’m in darkness. He is my hope. I’m thankful that I can always turn to Him and He will welcome me with open arms. I’m thankful that I don’t have to do this on my own because I would fail. I’m thankful that Christ gave Himself for me.