Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Dark

In the dark I hear the whispers. My eyes search the seemingly empty room but all they see is black. I lay motionless, the fan circling above me. I dare not move for fear that I might be heard by whatever is hiding in the shadows. If only I can stay silent, maybe they’ll never know I’m here.

My heart is beating so hard I can hear it. It’s filling my head. I try to control my breathing, which has become unbearably loud. I listen intently as the whispers fill my mind. Each word cuts me: worthless, hopeless, pathetic. I recognize it.

I wouldn’t have recognized it in the past. It’s my own voice but it’s not from me. It’s from Satan. There’s nothing in the room but me and the lies he’s trying to attack me with. It’s different now, though. I know where to turn. I close my eyes and begin to pray. I ask for strength and God’s protection. I focus on Him and the whispers fade to nothing.

I’m safe in the arms of my father.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where we turn is so very important. God is always there for us if we just call on Him.