Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When You're Around

At 5:30 this morning I driving east on highway 70 headed to work. I had my windows down, enjoying the cool morning air, while listening to some excellent worship music. In one of the songs the artist sings, "He loves when you're around." For some reason that single line stuck in my head. He loves when I'm around. It's amazing and simply put. What does it mean? God loves when we focus and live for Him. Whether it be through prayer or worship or reading His word, He loves when we're around.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Everything's good

I know it's a few days late, but just want to say that everything went well at my yearly check-up at the doctor. He asked if I was having any symptoms. I said no. Then he just listened to my heart and said that it sounded great. Good news. It's nice to go in once a year to help put my mind at ease.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Yearly Check-up

Tomorrow at eleven I have to be back at Big Barnes for my yearly visit. I get to see Dr. Biladello, my favorite cardiologist. I'm not really sure what he will have me do; probably just answer some questions about how I'm feeling. And of course he will listen to my heart and probably feel my chest. It's crazy that he can tell if my heart has increased or decreased in size just by putting pressure on my chest with his palm. I'll probably have to go back once a year for the rest of my life just to make sure my heart is staying healthy. I always get a little more nervous as these doctor visits draw closer. I pay more attention to my own heart beat and any symptoms I might have. There are a couple concerns I have that I will discuss with the doc but hopefully everything is still great and I don't have any more problems. Hopefully the small holes they found last winter haven't increased in size or anything. I'll put a post up tomorrow with the results.

Monday, July 9, 2007

No More Taco Bell

I went to a taco bell yesterday and the food was as good as it always is, which really isn't that good but the restaraunt is so convenient and cheap that you go there anyway. Well, no more. The food is consistant but not good enough. The place was awful. It was dirty. The bathroom was disgusting. The floor was filthly. The workers were eating their food off the counter. I paid for my food and they gave me a number like always. When my food was done, though, they didn't call out my number. They just slid my tray off to the side so I had to go look at it and make sure it's what I ordered before I picked up a tray that may or may not have been mine. I stopped at a gas station to fill up and went in and got some candy just to get the taste out of my mouth and I decided to never eat taco bell again. It makes more sense to just go to a sandwich place or something. A place where you can watch them make your food and you might get to eat something somewhat healthy.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A Weekend at the Lake

Well, we got back a few hours ago from Bull Shoals, the greatest lake in the known universe. It's so nice that I have a place like that to go to. A place where I can relax and forget about things even if it's only for a few days. The lake is a little over four hours aways but I've driven there so many times over the years that the trip seems to take no time at all. And let me say that it is definitely worth the drive. Bull Shoals is so beautiful. The water is clean and the lake isn't built up like some of the other lakes in MO. It's great for anyone who enjoys skiing or wakeboarding because you can usually find a spot where the water is smooth as glass. I can't wait for the next chance I get to go down there and spend another great weekend at the lake.