Monday, November 19, 2007


If the world ended in five years
In twenty years
How would I feel
If I never get married could I be content
If I continue to struggle with the darkness
Can I continue to find happiness even while I bear it
I will continue to have ups and downs
There are days when I don’t want to think about the future
About tomorrow or five years from now
Days I wish my world would have already ended

It's on those days that I need to stay focused
Focused on my Father who loves me unconditionally
Who will provide and help me through the dark times in my life
He will never let me down
I long to draw close to him, giving over everything
I love him more than anything and am so thankful for what he's done
Thankful for his son
It's the most important relationship in my life
And I want to work on it more than any other

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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