Monday, July 9, 2007

No More Taco Bell

I went to a taco bell yesterday and the food was as good as it always is, which really isn't that good but the restaraunt is so convenient and cheap that you go there anyway. Well, no more. The food is consistant but not good enough. The place was awful. It was dirty. The bathroom was disgusting. The floor was filthly. The workers were eating their food off the counter. I paid for my food and they gave me a number like always. When my food was done, though, they didn't call out my number. They just slid my tray off to the side so I had to go look at it and make sure it's what I ordered before I picked up a tray that may or may not have been mine. I stopped at a gas station to fill up and went in and got some candy just to get the taste out of my mouth and I decided to never eat taco bell again. It makes more sense to just go to a sandwich place or something. A place where you can watch them make your food and you might get to eat something somewhat healthy.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I love taco bell, but you definitely have to be in the mood for it. I think it is like all Mexican food (I know taco bell is not a true representation of authentic Mexican food). I can't eat their chalupas anymore though. A couple years back I ate one and got sick afterwards. I use to love those things, but now just the smell of them turns my stomach.