Monday, June 18, 2007


Friday night I went to the airport to fly to Maryland. I'm somewhat of a people watcher so when I sat down in the terminal, waiting for the plane to board, I looked around at the others who would be on the same flight before opening my book to pass the time. When it was finally time to board, a little after 10 pm, they called forward anyone that would need a little extra time to get situated or anyone that had small children. This makes sense, let them take there time and get settled before letting everyone else on. I looked at the beginning of the line and saw several people standing there that looked to be about my age and more than capable of getting on the plane after the others. And there were even a couple of men who appeared to be in there mid thirties standing toward the front of the line. There were a couple families with small children and a few elderly folks. Unfortunately, these people, who probably could have used the extra time on a less crowded plane were scattered throughout the line. I just sat there and watched in disbelief. Maybe it doesn't seem like that big of a problem but it made me upset. Did these people think they would get to Baltimore any faster by standing at the front of the line. Don't they know it's a plane, and we'll all get there at the same time. I wish the woman working the counter would have acknowledged the situation and told those few people to stand off to the side so the families and the elderly good board first. That was the whole point after all. It was such an easy thing to just sit in the terminal a few extra minutes to give them time, but these people apparently can't wait that long. It just seemed like it was one of those situations where doing the right thing is obvious and not at all difficult. To put others before yourself. I was pleased to see that there were some people still waiting in there seats in the terminal. I was just amazed at the selfishness of some people and I hope I can use that as a reminder for myself that it doesn't take much to put others first. In that moment it was just waiting a few more minutes to board a plane that would arrive at it's destination on time regardless of whether I boarded it first or last.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

It's probably those same people who, when pulling up to a red light check to see which car they think will go fastest and get in that lane. Or, when they go to the grocery store, they count to see which line has the fewest people and pick that line. Then they get all bent out of shape if the line with more people moves faster than the short line they chose. I think John Ortberg calls it "hurry sickness." Ordinarily it's not a problem unless it starts getting in the way of old folks and children getting the time they need to get on a plane comfortably. Then, as you say, it's just plain ole selfishness...and inexcusable.

Good post.