Thursday, June 28, 2007

Unanswered Questions

If anyone reads this blog consistantly, Adam may be the only one who likes this. I'm finishing listening to the sixth harry potter book in preparation for the seventh book so I thought I would right down a list of things I hope Rowling addresses before it's all said and done.

-What is the story of the veil in the department of mysteries?
-What did Harry's mom and dad do for a living that they could leave their son with so much money?
-The big one - is Snape good or bad?
-Where is the sixth horcrux?
-What is the significance of Harry having his mother's eyes?
-Who is RAB and how did he get the locket?
-What was it that made Dubledore trust Snape so much?
-How will Wormatail repay his debt to Harry?
-How and why did Dumbledore have James' invisibility cloak? What is the significance of this?
-Why did Regulus choose to leave the Death Eaters?
-What did Dumbledore actually see in the Mirror of Erised in the first book? And will the Mirror of Erised be involved in the seventh book?
-What happened when Dumbledore found the ring that caused him to injure his hand?
-JKR said that someone will manage magic very late in life in Book 7: who will it be?
-When Harry was taking Occlumency lessons from Snape in OOTP, he put more than one memory into the pensieve. What other memories did he want to hide from Harry?
-Is there a connection between Godric's Hollow and Godric Gryffindor? And is Harry, in any way, related to Godric Gryffindor?
-How did Hagrid retrieve Harry from the ruins of his parents' house if he was not told the location by the secret-keeper?
-If RAB took the locket, is it destroyed or is the locket that they were unable to open at Sirius' house?
-Will we hear anymore about Krum?
-Who will be the new DADA teacher?
-Who will teach transfiguration?
-Will Slughorn teach potions for a second year?


Anonymous said...

Um....hello? What am I? Chop Liver? You know I would care about that stuff...and I agree completely with your questions. You are always the thinker!

Anonymous said...

that's awesome! we should talk about some of them over the fourth of july holiday. i'm so excited for the next book to come out!!!